Regs2go eEdition

Welcome to Regs2Go eEdition, an app designed for offline use of the regulation books provided by Mancomm. It's important to note that this app is a kiosk app, meaning that you need to sign up for an account on or buy an eEdition code in our store to use it. To redeem your code, please visit this link or read our articles here.

The app is specifically designed to provide users with access to regulations even when they don't have an internet connection. This makes it ideal for users who need to reference the regulations while working in remote locations or areas with poor internet connectivity.

Navigating the app is easy; you need to tap on the book you want to access

You can search by keyword, regulations, and subparts with the search icon at the top right of the reader.

The search will highlight on orange the search results.

You can just browse through the bookmarks or the book's Table of Contents.

Our support team can help you with any questions or issues using Regs2Go eEdition. We're here to ensure that you have a seamless experience while using the app.

Thank you for choosing Regs2Go eEdition for your offline regulation needs. We hope that you find the app valuable and efficient in your work.

Important note: eEdition codes which can be redeemed on this page, only provide access to the books inside the mobile app. Any Regs2Go subscription will provide full access to Regs2go Web and the books inside the mobile app.

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